Hello Gang, 

I'm using a custom font for the input values of a newsletter sign-up form 
(found in the sidebar) and the top of the font gets cut off, despite the fact 
that I've declared the box-sizing to border-box. If I use the default 
content-box value and adjust the height to accommodate the padding it still 
gets cut off, though less in FF3.6. The other thing I notice, is that I get 
different results in different browsers. it doesn't push the text down to where 
I want it (in Chrome and FF), I'd like the text to sit somewhat in the middle 
of the input field's vertical space. But in IE9 it pushes it down to the bottom 
border of the background image. I've never encounter this issue before with 
padding but I'm guessing it's due to the input element itself? I did declare 
the element to display: block. http://www.e7flux.com/clients/sof/

Suggestions on how I can rectify this more than welcome! 


Elli Vizcaino
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