A client just pointed something out to me on their site, and after an hour
of messing with it, I figured out what was causing it. Basically, if you
have a list item (same issue with both ol and ul lists) that is hyperlinked
and also has a strong tag applied to it, and if the list item extends to a
second line, Firefox will drop the marker for that list item. It seems to
be a combination of all the above, because if I removed any of the three
variables (strong, hyperlink, second line), the marker appears. There was
absolutely nothing in the CSS that I could find that would do this, and its
fine in all other browsers. I solved the issue by having the CSS apply the
bold to any hyperlinked list item. Is anyone else aware of this weird
behavior in Firefox, and is it indeed a bug? I couldn't find anything when
I googled it.
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