OK so in my excitement; don't want to say how long I've been researching
this issue, I see I forgot to include a couple of key points:
1) I am working on a site built with WordPress and various plugins and the
pages were exhibiting the iOS "Bug"
2) I happen to look at the Nivo demos on an iPhone and noticed that their
site is also built on WP and yet the site stays within the viewport
3) After searching and comparing and pulling copious quantities of what used
to be hair on my head out I started posting hoping that a fresh pair or
maybe more seasoned pair of eyes could point out the issue. 
4) It now looks like the iOS bug may just be CSS related
5) The site I am creating a mobile theme for is now working without the bug

The trigger seems to be the css rule display:none; 
Why hasn't exactly come to me yet.

Sorry, for any confusion.

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