On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:38 AM, BJ Novack <b...@ninjawebservices.com> wrote:
> I've been banging my head against this for too long. Why does IE8 drop the 
> div class="checkout-progress" and everything below it right to the bottom of 
> the dang page? I've tried taking my clearing fix of overflow:auto off that 
> div, I've tried assigning a width to the page content as is in the IE7 
> stylesheet, I've tried narrowing the elements within the page content for IE8 
> . . . and a bunch of other things that had no hope of working, like all my 
> old IE6/7 and haslayout hacks, but I tried 'em anyway. No love.
> Test case here:
> http://doneinstyle.com/test/oaktreetest2/index.htm

IE9 does it too.

It looks like the border on the div.checkout-progress is making it
wider than its container and then wrapping it around sidebar_right.
If you take off the property width:100% it fixes it.  Unless they're
floated or have a fixed width, DIVs take up the available width by
default.  By giving it a fixed width (100%), the width of the block
itself was 100%, then the borders added to that.


> Actual code from here:
> http://oaktreehomeandgarden.co.uk/shop/
> It happens when you view the shopping cart.
> Test page validates at W3 for both html and css (though there is some jquery 
> css generated by the cart that doesn't validate, and the actual cart 
> generates some unencoded ampersands in URLs.)
> All help appreciated greatly.
> --
> Best regards,
>  BJ
> http://ninjawebservices.com
> mailto:b...@ninjawebservices.com
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