2012-04-18 20:39, Tom Livingston wrote:

Does anyone know what the browser support is for block links? Google
isn't helping - probably because of my choice in search criteria. For

<a href=""><img src="myimg.jpg" alt="" /><p>All of this and that image
is a single link</p></a>

Functionally, browser support is good. I don't think I've seen a browser (in this millennium) that does not support it.

But functional support is not a CSS matter. I'm not sure what you are asking here. Browsers surely differ in their default rendering of block links. For example, is the text inside it underlined, and exactly how? Are there borders around images?

CSS can be used to modify such things, to some extent at least. The biggest question here seems to be design question: how should such a link be presented, to convey the idea of a single link? Once a decision has been made on that (and it may be affected by the question what is *possible* using CSS alone), we can discuss in detail how to achieve it.


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