I hava an ie8 layout issue with some of the elements on this web site (any 
pages within the 'gallery' section, not the other parts of the web site):

You can use the yellow tabs navbar to sort the art items in the grey boxes in 
different ways. I find that on some pages, the very last 'grey box' item on the 
page (last row, on the row) comes out messed up, such as on this page:

The one for 'robert riger' has the text that goes with the image coming out on 
the line below, instead of in its box where it belongs. 

This seems to happen most often with the very last item on the page, as in the 
Riger example.

I cannot figure out what could be wrong here. 

Note: I know that the link that is attached to the orange "give" image in the 
left column throws many errors. I can't do anything about that; that's the URL 
I need to point to! I don't think any of the other errors would be causing this 

Thanks in advance, I could really use help here!

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