On 15.05.2012 17:36, Yolanda Aguirre wrote:
I've gone to BrowserLab and tested this page and it looks as intended in all but IE 
6&  7.

It's your clearing that disturb those old buggers.

Delete 'clear: right' on the following 4 elements...

.table, .table-left, .table-right, .table-left2

...or change it to 'clear: none', and IE6/7 are likely to behave themselves. Other browsers don't need clearing on those elements either, as those floats stack naturally as is.

I have no idea how many who use those versions, other that IE6 is below the 1% mark in the US.

Aside: I see no point in using divs and other elements to simulate table-layout in your case. The content you have in there can easily be classified as _tabular data_, which calls for a proper _HTML TABLE_. But ... what HTML elements you choose to use is not a CSS problem :-)

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