(It seams I keep doing the same mistake:
Clicking on reply instead of reply to all,
so I'll repeat my previous answer to Philippe at the end of this one.)


Philippe was right, and his suggestion is handy and makes a lot of sense.
Yet it doesn't feel right to me to use the media queries in this way,
it probably has no unintended consequences, and it is certainly valid,
but it feels kind of funny, bad memmories from dead old hacks, I don't know,
so I just decided to take out the corner from the pngs and address opera
mini directly.
Anyway, your suggestion comes really handy for another reason:

Opera isn't behaving properly after all:
On really wide resolutions it cuts the background, it only stretches so
no matter the backgrounds real aspect ratio in relation to the element or
even real width.
And give it a prefixed background just for opera (cover)
only works if there is no other unprefixed declaration, before or after.
(They say on google that Opera 12 solved it, but I'll keep 11.64 untill I
fix this.)

I had previously added the
' preserveAspectRatio="none" '
for webkits sake, but it has no effect on Opera.
(Opera actually reports an error on this svg 1.1 files,
and it didn't report errors on svg tiny ones:
enable-background:new 0 0 1600 64;)

So I'll try svgs with no dimensions,
I'll let you know if it works :)

Thank you so much,

previous reply, sent to Philippe but not to the list:


thank you so much.

Strange that they decided to wait.
I gess for that, this browsers probably
do deserve the media queries,
but for some reason it just doesn't feel right.
I decided to take out the corner from the pngs
and deal with opera-mini separatly
(doesn't feel right too,
I'm detecting opera mini and serving it the cornerd png,
I'll probably make a proper cornerd svg just for omini).
Anyway seams desktop opera has trouble
calcutating the stretch on wider windows after all,
(seems to interpret 100% 100% as cover based on height),
so its back to vector editing.

Thank you again,

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