Some of the animations work, but not all of them, in Android/2.3.6
[a low-end mobile touch screen device].
thanks for checking.

I did get to see this on an older iPad and iPhone today, and it looks like the ones with a background pattern, border effects or z-index animations don't work. A friend using iOS 5.1.1 on iPhone 5 says he sees all of them.

interestingly, I installed Opera 12 beta and that group causes problems for that browser, too. I sent Opera a note about this.

Perhaps feeding mobile just a few
of those animations might be more appropriate?
yeah - the sampler is pretty extreme. It's hard to imagine a real site with that many doodads.

<aside> I only looked at your page in portrait-view. The mobile
media queries are not kicking-in; consequently, it is simply a
reduced width version of desktop-- the top horizontal links and the
sidebar links verge on being unreadable and unusable</aside>

oh dear. thanks for letting me know. They were working on the iPhone & Pad I looked at today. Is there something different I should be doing for Android? meta name="viewport"? something else?

best regards,
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