Le 5 juil. 2012 à 04:23, Ingo Chao a écrit :

> According to the CSS3 spec http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-mediaqueries/
> @media all { … }
> @media { … }
> should be equivalent.
> Current Firefox and Opera agree, and at least Webkit nightly too.
> But current Safari, IE9 and IE 10 disagree, only the first one applies.
> http://satzansatz.de/w3/media.html

Yeah, those are slightly buggy…
I'm surprised that IE 10 (PR) has this wrong, as the issue was discussed fairly 
recently on the www-style mailing list,  if memory serves (ok, at least this 
year). Can't find the thread though, may it was buried into another thread

> My questions:
> - The second rule, a media rule without a target media type, should be
> invalid according to CSS 2.1, right?

Indeed, and the CSS validator agrees with that assessment.

> - According to CSS3 mediaqueries example 7, an empty media query list
> evaluates to true.
> So @media { … } became valid in CSS3, correct?


> Fun: IE 6,7,8 render both rules.

We can always rely on old IE to bring some fun to the table…

Philippe Wittenbergh

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