I've been out of it for a while so this is likely a rookie question that I've forgotten the answer to. I'm working on a section that makes a DIV of a certain size with scrolling contents. I wanted to make different DIVs with the difference being their border color. And instead of writing a larger section of CSS three times I did it like so:

#invitelist div.window {
    display: block;
    width: 98%;
    height: 100px;
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 5px;
    background-color: #ffffff;
    color: #000000;

#invitelist div.window.redframe {
    border: 3px ridge #b90025;

Originally, I tried:

#invitelist div .window
#invitelist div .window .redframe

But could only get it to work by taking out all the spaces so I would up with:

#invitelist div.window.redframe

I don't get why this didn't work with the spaces. My understanding was that with the spaces it targets anything with a class of redframe inside anything with a class of window inside a DIV inside a DIV with an ID of invitelist. What I would up with works but seems to me that it will only target a DIV that has the class window and redframe. The distinction is subtle.

Refresh my memory, please...


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