I'm working on a site that's a basic two-column layout, the larger on the
left and the shorter on the right. I'm trying to set up the CSS to be
responsive, but there's a couple of challenges I'm running into that I
could use some help with.

The right column has a 3rd-party plugin that uses a set width. I want the
main column (left side) to fill the screen as the screen resizes until it
hits about 600px wide. At that point the right side column should drop
below the left main content. Normally, to solve the first situation (flex
main column next to set width column), I would float the right column that
has a fixed width. The problem with that is in the HTML, the side column
would need to come first. But that then would place the side column above
the main column when the screen size is below 600px.

I've been trying to use relative positioning, but can't get the right
column, which comes last in the HTML, to position up properly since the
content in the main area (left) changes. Any suggestions on how to get the
effect I'm looking for? Here's a link to the site:

css-discuss [css-d@lists.css-discuss.org]
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