Impressively flexible! In terms of layout engineering, it's the most
responsive design I've seen yet. Amazing how it all fits and reads
elegantly through various breakpoints (I can get this down to >200px
wide and still have a pleasant reading experience — no mean feat!).

My only quibble is that, what with the variety and range of colours
and forms, not to mention the rather muted palette (ie not a huge deal
of colour contrast), 2-dimensional layout actually becomes important
to get an idea of the relative context and significance of the various
sections of the page — when the layout collapses to 1 column, it
becomes a linear experience with an ever increasing number of colours,
shaped boxes, border etc, and some kind of coherence and relative
meaning is lost.

But then there are some things that appear inherently semantically
confused, at least to myself: why is the page title expressed as an h3
in the header and again as an h5 in the footer, both with apparently
equal visual weighting? How come the article element within each page
omits any heading apart from a visually hidden h2 [1] marking its
content out as 'content', a heading that effectively trumps the page's
actual title in terms of markup weighting?

And then there's this neat trick you've got going on whereby b
elements wrap syllables in words in order to show where hyphenation
should occur — my web inspector couldn't immediately tell me how you'd
done that. Can you tell us a bit more about that please?

More question than commentary, sorry. This is definitely a piece of
front-end where I'm going to pore over the code for insights…

[1] Recent wisdom (or FUD, depending on your angle) has it that
text-indent can apparently negatively affect performance by computing
the render of a huge box
— what do you reckon to the HTML5 boilerplate method Snook came up
with? (

Barney Carroll
+44 7429 177278
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