On 10/30/12 11:36 AM, Angela French wrote:

Is there a way (excluding using images for bullets) to style the
bullet when it is a number or a letter?  I'm trying to apply css to
some footnotes I'm building.  The notes themselves appear in a list
at the bottom of my page where each list number (an <ol>) corresponds
to the footnote number.  I'd like to try to make the number stand out
and actually even wrap it in an <a> tag if possible to link it back
to the footnote reference in the above text.

...An ol, or an li?

Only Firefox and Opera support http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-content/#counters well enough to accomplish purely what you contemplate, according to the requirements you just posted. To get broad support for your desired results, you'll need to engage in anonymous span abuse - set the item to the larger size, and set the child (abusive) element to the smaller one. The good news (as such) is that when the improved counter support finally takes shape and enjoys market penetration, the junk markup won't pose too much harm.

Your idea to create return links is more easily - and in my opinion, more intuitively - by trailing each footnote with &crarr; and wrapping *that* in a link like so:

<li id="footnote1">This is my footnote text. <a href="#footnote-1-origin" title="Return to Text">&crarr;</a></li>

Still better than that would be to use the :target pseudoclass (for the browsers that support it) and a Suckerfish derivative (for the others) to present the note in context. Wikipedia's been doing something along those lines for a while.

Ben Henick              lurker...@henick.net
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