On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 9:02 PM, David Laakso <laakso.davi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Then came before me Safari/5.1.7 for Windows: she sets the slab-serif
> webfont  'MuseoSlab100Regular' article h1 [ white knocked out of a
> colored block] at a considerably different font-weight than FF, Gecko,
> Chrome, Opera, and IE/9.
> My error. Or, Safari bug?
> markup
> <http://ccstudi.com/>
> css line number 1 through 7; and line number 102 trough 122.
> <http://ccstudi.com/site/css/sisu.css>
> Best,
> David Laakso


Working as intended in both 10.6 Snow Leopard and 10.8 Mountain Lion.
Thanks to our friend of the list -- Philippe Wittenbergh
<http://l-c-n.com> -- for the off-list reply.

David Laakso

Chelsea Creek Studio
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