Egads, Chris! I'm not sure how to fix that! How did you cause that to happen in 
your browser?

I was trying to do a responsive theme, but the "gallery" going on on the home 
page (for which I've received the artwork, and is part of the client's design) 
is preventing that. I'm not conversant enough in media queries yet, but I'm 
working on it.

I thought I was making such good progress. Not so much, apparently.

Theresa Jennings

On Feb 18, 2013, at 8:10 PM, Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Theresa Jennings wrote:
>> My brain is numb. The solutions are probably staring me right in the face. 
>> Even Firebug is no help.
>> I am customizing a WP template. I've validated it as much as is humanly 
>> possible. I'm modifying the home page, which is a one-column layout. To 
>> select just the one-column layout, you need to use the .one-column class.
>> The URL:
>> The colored backgrounds are just for development. The top of the
>> yellow box needs to be 10px from the bottom of the black box. I can't
>> figure out what's throwing the extra space.
>  You have more problems than that:  <>
> -- 
>   Chris F.A. Johnson, <>
>   Author:
>   Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
>   Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)

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