Oh wait...is it that the padding counts towards the total? That would make
sense :)

On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 4:48 PM, Laura Valentino <la...@vidmot.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to wrap my head around how to use percentages inside a
> container specified in ems...or is this a bad idea? I used ems to specify
> the max-width of the main container, as I think this will limit the upper
> width while still allowing downwards fluidity. Inside the container are 2
> floated columns, with widths specified in percentages. I thought the
> percentages should add up to 100% (of the container)...but this doesn't
> work. It works with one column set at 60% and the other at 30%. What's
> going on here??
> the site:
> http://kvikna.com/testing/ieeg/
> the relevant code:
> #container {
> position: relative;
>  max-width: 62em;
> margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
>         }
> #main {
>         padding: 3%;
> float: left;
> width: 60%;
>  }
> aside {
> float: right;
>  width: 30%;
> padding: 10% 3% 1% 1%;
> }
> Thanks!
> Laura V.
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