Thank Jukka, that was it.

>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 7:17 PM, Angela French <>
>>> Am I correct that this selector does NOT work in IE 7 ? IE9 in
>>> compatibility mode isn't displaying the icon.
>> No, attribute selectors are supported in IE7 (CSS 2.1) -
>> Maybe there is another syntax issue?
>Yes, it is. The page
>now contains the declaration
>background:url('/imgs/layout/icon_emailTEST.jpg')center right  no-repeat;
>which is OK except that there should be a space after ")". At least when
>testing on IE 10, the background image is not shown when the Document
>Mode is set to IE 7 or IE 8, but it is if the space is added:
>background:url('/imgs/layout/icon_emailTEST.jpg') center right  no-repeat;
>I'm not that good at CSS low-level syntax, which has varied over time.
>The W3C CSS Validator does not flag the declaration as erroneous when the
>space is not there, but the good/dusty old, mostly CSS 1 level checker
> says:
>"Error: Multiple values should be separated by whitespace."
>In any case, it is safer (and it makes the CSS code more readable) to separate
>the values with spaces.
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