On 21.6.2013 2:05, Angela French wrote:
Let's say you have N-number of paragraphs in an article, and you want the last
paragraph to have some different attributes as the other<p>, such as a greater

Is there a way to describe that in css?

Thank you!

You mean like this:


That rule would affect every p element that is the last child of its parent, e.g. in <div><p>foo</div> but not <div><p>foo<hr></div>.

Assuming, for definiteness, that the article is marked up as <article id=x>...</article> and that you wish to set the bottom margin of the last paragraph (i.e., the last p element among its childern but not necessarily the last element there), the code would be

#x > p:last-of-type { margin-bottom: 0 }

(Using just a space instead of ">" would make the selector match also the p element in <article id=x><div><p>foo</div>... possibly some p elements here</article>.)

Browser support is good but does not cover IE 8 and older; for them, some polyfills are available. See

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