On 9 Oct 2013, at 15:48, Theresa Jennings wrote:

Can this now be considered off-topic and not germane to the art and science of CSS? Let's all get back to coding, k?

   130% agreed, and in fact I said in my reply this morning:

"Please note that this thread should NOT become an argument about "proper" reply styles. It's as fruitless as tabs vs. spaces, Mac vs. Windows, etc., etc., etc, and we've always striven to avoid such "Holy Wars" on this list because they're inevitably more noise than signal."

And then it went and became that. Perhaps I erred in not explicitly stating THIS IS OFF TOPIC, so there, I've done it. Whatever the case, it stops now, either by list members respecting the community or by server-enforced fiat. I would very much prefer the former. The policies regarding reply styles and quote-trimming are what they are, I will try to be better about reminding people offline to trim wasteful overage, and Holy Wars are still always off-topic. If necessary, I will go add this to the official list of Holy Wars on the wiki, but I hope it won't be necessary.

Eric A. Meyer  -  Co-founder, An Event Apart
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