I've got a drop-down menu on one of my navigation items, which is 
position:absolute, with a z-index of 300 (I tend to set z-index in large 
increments). When hover-actiavted it appears over some text; that text has 
position:relative and z-index:0. It all works fine, including in IE8+, /except/ 
in iOS6 (I've not tested in iOS7 yet), where the text OVERLAYS the drop-down 
menu. (The text is later in the source than the menu).

Making the text position:static fixes the problem but I need that text to have 
a position:relative. FWIW I'm also seeing the issue in IE7, but I'm not so 
worried about IE7 these days.

URL: http://authorsites-local:8888/news 
(I've locked the drop-down menu in the 'hover/active' state for convenience, 
though that might change as I work. In any case, the drop down is triggered 
from the 'Writing' menu).

NB. The issue manifests in iOS but at iPhone breakpoints the menu structure is 
different, so you'll want to look at it on an iPad to see it as intended.

Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
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