On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 20:58:58 -0500, Jon Reece <jon.re...@gmail.com>

>I'm probably misunderstanding the question, but based on your pseudo-code
>you could accomplish this with CSS 2.1 using display: inline:
>Example: http://codepen.io/jreece/pen/yznEw

Actually, you _were_ misunderstanding the question as written - but your
codepen code was actually a nearly-ideal answer to the meta-question.

The question as written was predicated on the usual stand that "if
{feature} isn't supported, degrade gracefully". Thus, rendering 1 - the
run-in model - should only have been achieved if display: run-in was
actually supported by the user-agent, and rendering 2 otherwise. With
support for display: run-in, the CSS for case 1 would have been

dt { display: run-in;
     font-weight: bold;

dt:after { content: ":";
           margin-right: 0.33em;

dd { margin-left: 0;

and what I was really asking about was simply the CSS for the DD, as I
had somehow gotten the impression that "margin-left: 0" would not have
changed the indent.

For Case 2 (display: run-in NOT supported), I was assuming that I'd have
to revert to a standard DL, with only the bolding of the DTs. The issue
for that case was simply "How do I detect whether 'display: run-in' is

You, however, went beyond the posed question to the "meta-question",
which was, in effect, "I WANT DISPLAY: RUN-IN TO WORK, DAMMIT!", and
provided a solution for _that_. I will point out that if you search the
list archives for questions posed by me, you'll see that this isn't the
first time I've gone after that 'holy grail', but it's the first time
I've gotten a response that hasn't tried to discourage me from
attempting the indicated presentation.

Additionally, your solution provides an excellent model for those
occasions where it is NOT a DL that needs to be managed in this way -
even ordinary topic headings at comparatively low levels (e.g., H4
through H6) can be run-in to their following paragraphs using this
technique plus the adjacency selector.

I appreciate your help, more than I can express, and I applaud your
willingness - even if inadvertent - to think outside the box and beyond
the prima-facie question. Thank you.

What follows is a rant; there is no need to read further for discussion
of CSS code or techniques, though there may be a couple of nuggets of
relevant philosopy buried therein.

I grant that one should not - cannot - expect on-line publication to
exactly match print publication. Some things that make print
publications easier to read will make on-line publications *harder* to
read - serpentine (newspaper-style) columns, for example - on-line,
you'd read down one column, scrolling the page as you go, then have to
jump back up to the top to continue reading. Bad. The only time that
serpentine columns should be used on the web is when you can guarantee
that the entire content of the page will fit on the user-agent's
rendering surface without scrolling.

Run-in headers are not such a feature. Where they work in print
publication - and they are common there - they will work equally well in
on-line publication, and for exactly the same reasons (excluding the
reason "I use less paper with run-ins, which reduces the cost of the

The lack of support has been, essentially, due to developers saying
"It's too hard to code properly, the spec is unclear, and nobody is
using it" - except that nobody was using it because they were told that
it isn't supported (principally by gecko), and few web developers were
adamant enough about wanting it to go ahead and find a solution such as
yours, so that one would see the technique (of run-in headers) used,
even without direct support for it. Nor are user-agent-specific
solutions (e.g., IE conditionals) considered acceptable, except
occasionally in the extreme case of IE6. A vicious cycle, that fed right
into lazy developers. Yes, the spec is unclear; Philippe's link to
codereview.chromium.org contains a link to css-tricks.com that discusses
that issue, though I think it may be less unclear than suggested. I
certainly don't think that it's unclear enough that _reasonable_
interpretations couldn't have been arrived at - and both IE and
(Presto-based) Opera agreed, as did older Webkit (recent Webkit has
removed support). Then, you either let the "marketplace" fight it out
for the "correct" interpretation, or you appeal to the Working Group and
say "The Specification is unclear in this way; here are alternative
reasonable interpretations; which is correct?" and get a 'ruling' on

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
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