On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:47 AM, Brian Jones <bdotjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this demo setup here http://jsfiddle.net/dTsrY/  and i need help
> with a few issues that i am having.
> I am using bootstrap 3.0 and when the page gets smaller the menu moves
> outside of the bottom shadow image border and i would like for it to stay
> inside the border.

Inside header, div class="col-md-9 col-sm-12" at small widths is being
told to be 12 cols wide, which is too wide next to your logo - which
is also being told to be 12col wide - so it drops down

> Also, the width of the submenu is longer than the hover for the items in
> the submenu, so when you hover a submenu item there is extra white space to
> the right.

ul.sub-menu has a width of 200px (see ul#mainnav li ul - line 279) and
also is getting padding right (line 422). I guess that's too wide for
the parent.

> Thanks in advance for any help.
> --

Hope this helps.


Tom Livingston | Senior Front-End Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com
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