Le 27 mars 2014 à 23:19, Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh 
<sandy.pittendr...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> The HTML:
> http://fliesfliesflies.com/fragments/Gallery/ttest.html
> The (stripped down)  CSS:
> http://fliesfliesflies.com/css/rrobo.css


> In this "Gallery" page I'd like all thumbnails to float left around the
> main display image without making odd, unpredictable white space areas on
> the next line after a thumbnail runs off the right side of the display area.
> In other words I'd like the thumbnails to float into an orderly table like
> arrangement, controlled entirely by the browser, depending on current
> viewport width.

Fwiw, I kinda like that irregular mosaic that you have as a result of floating 
those blocks combined with different image sizes. Brings a bit of life in the 

Just my 2¥. Anyway,

You have an additional problem though: on hovering over an image thumbnail, the 
whole mosaic reorganises itself. You *add* a border to the thumbnails while the 
pointer is hovering over the images. Thus the size of each block changes (1px 
later/taller). You should also add a border to the default state, something 
img { border: 1px solid transparent; }
img:hover { border-color: black; /* or whatever you prefer */ }

Philippe Wittenbergh

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