On 19/04/2014 15:00, Tedd Sperling wrote:
<I don't understand your statement "Obviously the em value has to be reduced as 
the font-size
increases, to get the same pixel equivalent.">
Given that my original margin/padding around an <h1> with font-size 250% was in pixels, when I converted at 1 em = 16 px the new margin/padding sizes were 2.5 times too high. So conversion for <h1> has to be 1 em = 40px to get the same on screen appearance. If that's wrong I haven't understood ems at all.

3. ALL measurements, including margins and paddings, work well without any 
problems. The *only* problems I have ever encountered has been mixing 
measurement types. My
advice, pick something and stay with it.
I'll give it a go

4. Lastly, use ems for images as well. That way your entire site scales well 
with zooms.
That's a new idea to me, I've used % for some time. I'll try it.
Here's my write-up on it:


I'm sure it will. Thank you.


Tim Dawson
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