On Apr 21, 2014, at 8:43 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com> wrote:

> On Apr 21, 2014, at 11:54 AM, Jennifer <jenni...@superiorshelving.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>      I've attempted to change our footer to a sticky version, so that on 
>> shorter pages, it's always at the bottom of the screen. However, I'm having 
>> a problem with a gap in the content of a short page just above the footer.
>>      Can someone please tell me what I did wrong?  Here's one of the pages 
>> that shows the problem:
>> http://www.superiorshelving.com/info/contact-superior-shelving-systems.php#tab-5
>>      Also, if you shrink the window vertically, the footer will cover the 
>> bottom portion of the Navigation Menu.  How can I prevent that from 
>> happening?
>>      I've tried a lot of different solutions, so the CSS may be a little 
>> messy.  Maybe that's my problem. :(
>> Thank you!
>> Jenni
>>      Superior Shelving Systems::::....
>>      The (Storage|Office|Home|Warehouse) Shelving Specialists
>>      Since 1984
>> Workstation Chairs/Stools:
>> http://www.superiorshelving.com/mfg/nexel/pages/stools.php
> Hi Jenni,
> I took a look at your code and I "think" I may have fixed it. You can let me 
> know. 
> I would have emailed you directly, but you said you wouldn't get it. 
> So, sorry guys for any clutter.
> http://designdrumm.com/contact-superior-shelving-systems.zip
> HTH,
> Best,
> Karl DeSaulniers
> Design Drumm
> http://designdrumm.com

Oh, one last thing. If you want the footer in my example to "stick" 
to the bottom of the page like a sticky footer should, just change the position 
to fixed on the footer element.
Although,... if you want a sticky footer, know that it is going to cover 
content of the page that scrolls beneath. 
If you want short content to show above the footer, you need to add some 
padding to the bottom inside of the div.twoColLiqLtHdr or container div.
Also, I rearanged the footer to have a smaller foot print, but you should be 
able to paste your old code inside the footer element and it still work if that 
is what you prefer. 
Sorry, should have mentioned I did that in the first email.



Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm
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