God preserve me from those who would embed video in e-mail.
It is bad enough having video inflicted on me when I visit
a web site, but to have it arrive in an e-mail would indicate
to me that the sender had no concern whatsoever for the
civilities of electronic intercourse.

Philip Taylor
Rod Castello wrote:
Thanks Fred,
I'll look into that. I do a lot of emails too, so this will be really

On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Hahnel, Fred (DET-MRM) <
fred.hah...@mrm-mccann.com> wrote:

Another real good source, geared to HTML email but it renders flawlessly
and responsiviely on most desktop clients


I am actually playing with this for emails

If I can't see your reply without scrolling, I shall assume that it is not worth reading.
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