Hi all,
Take a look at my example: http://jsfiddle.net/nn2N7/
In summary I have 2 siblings, one with 100px height and another with 100%. I 
was expecting the 100% div to only fill the available space after subtracting 
the 100px. Instead it assumes 100% height of parent block level element which 
means any sibling will cause problems.
>From what I read, this is the way it works, period. I can fix this using 
>calc(100% - 100px) for my height.
My doubt is more about the reasoning behind this. I would really expect the 
100% height to be calculated taking into account the sibling, otherwise height 
100% simply doesn't work when there are more than 1 sibling. It just doesn't 
make sense to me.
As a more experienced user in CSS I want to understand if this is just a 
"weird" think on the specification or am I thinking it wrong?
Thanks in advance,
  -- A Santos
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