On 3/07/2014 1:19 PM, Elli Vizcaino wrote:
Hello CSS Discuss,

I'm presently working on building out a responsive redesign of my site
and in order to keep the HTML semantic, I can't use divs inside of my
H1. I have an H1 tag with nested spans and ems that are floated.
However, the spans and ems don't behave like divs do when
floated--shrink wrapping to the contained content. I would love to be
able to replicate this same shrink wrap effect on the ems so I have
better control of their placement and alignment with the other text
elements on the page. The ems and spans seem to have inherent padding
I can not control. Hoping someone has some suggestions on a way to do
what I'd like or can suggest appropriate markup that will behave like
I want it to.

Please take a look at the


text on the following page:  http://www.e7flux.com/e7flux2014/2222.html


Elli Vizcaino

Hello Elli. The padding is really line-height.

Insert the following into your CSS or something like it (the border is to help you see).

em {border: 1px solid red; line-height: 0.8; }
em+em {border: 1px solid red; line-height: 0.9; }
em+em+em { line-height: 1; }

And remove or alter the margins below where I have inserted REMOVE or ALTER. I commented them out before using the above CSS.

.re {
        display: block;
/*      margin: -02.89855072463768% 0 0;  -16px/552px 0 0 REMOVE or ALTER */
        text-align: right;
        font-size: 32.25em; /* 516px/16px */
        letter-spacing: -17px;
.vamp, .ing {
        clear: both;
        display: block;
        text-align: right;
.vamp {
        font-size: 12.75em; /* 204px/16px */
/*      margin-top: -04.52898550724638%;  -25px/552px REMOVE or ALTER */
/*      margin-bottom: 06.70289855072464%;  37px/552px REMOVE or ALTER */
.ing {
        font-size: 9em; /* 144px/16px */
        margin-bottom: 11.05072463768116%; /* 61px/552px */

You have a missing </span> tag.


Alan Gresley
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