Le 2 juil. 2014 à 04:19, Larry Martell <larry.mart...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> But I want the table to be scrollable with a fixed header, so I do this:
> http://jsfiddle.net/mrLVG/
>> From testing I found that I have to have  display: block; on both
> tbody.scrollContent and thead.fixedHeader tr or I do not get the
> scrollbars and fixed headers. But it is also the display: block that
> seems to be causing the misalignment.
> Is it possible to have a scrolling table with fixed headers without
> explicitly specifying the table cell sizes?

By setting display:block on the tbody, you essentially remove the “tableness”. 
As a result the browsers actually recreate a table inside your tbody, wrapping 
around all your tr/td [*]. Same applies to your thead tr. Messy situation… You 
might fix it partly by locking the width on each th/td - which is no very 
attractive (cough… understatement).

Have you seen this stack overflow?
No clean solutions, though.

In the future, creating such a table-with-fixed-header will be much easier 
thanks to position: sticky

That is already implemented in Safari 6.1/7, is coming to Firefox 32, and is 
implemented behind a flag in Bink based browsers (Opera, Chrome) – ask 
$search_engine for the details about that flag. Unfortunately sticky 
positioning on a table-header is not yet implemented; it works in Webkit 
nightly builds but not in release builds, yet. Firefox has an open bug for it.

Quick Example™:
The ‘some fixed heading’ is already sticky in Safari 7, the table works in 
WebKit nightly builds and maybe Opera/chrome with the aforementioned flag 
turned on.

[*] see the CSS 2.1 spec for the reasons:

Philippe Wittenbergh

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