I’m unfamiliar with the Compass syntax. However, the syntax looks old. 

First get the wrapper in order: 
start with “display:flex” for the parent container. then “flex-direction: row” 
to set the orientation of the child elements. Then justify-content. 

justify-content will set the position of your elements inside of the container. 
justify-content: center will put stuff in the center, while 'space-between' 
throws your elements out to the edges, and evenly spaces the middle. 

After that, add flex styles to the child elements: 
Flex-basis is used to set the “starting” width of a child element. You can set 
flex-basis in %, em, or px (or whatever your heart’s desire)

'Flex-basis' means that this is a “default” width of the child element - before 
it starts to grow or shrink. All elements will start with this space, before 
expanding or shrinking.  

'flex-grow' sets how much the child element can grow, in comparison to its 
siblings. If you set all child elements to flex-grow:1, then, after flex-basis, 
they will grow  to fill up the available space. If only one element is set to 
flex-grow:1, then it will grow, while the others stay the same. 

Here’s a quick example I threw together: http://www.cssdesk.com/PFBAX

On Aug 8, 2014, at 13:45, Tim Dawson <t...@ramasaig.com> wrote:
> I'm experimenting with the CSS3 Flexible Box layout. Since I am also using 
> SASS I copied a very simple flex layout from: 
> http://compass-style.org/examples/compass/css3/box/
> …

> .main {
> display: box;

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