On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Peredur <pere...@peredur.net> wrote:
> I imagine that this will turn out to be a very simple question, but never
> one to avoid displaying my own ignorance, here goes...
> I'm trying to create a layout for a website that is in dire need of
> attention and this (URL below) is a mockup of something approaching what I'm
> aiming for:
> http://peredur.net/unidirectory/
> The only thing that I really don't like about it is that the navigation menu
> is over to the left and so looks a bit odd.  In the tutorial from which I
> got most of the code (http://demo.ourtuts.com/menu/), the menu is centered,
> but I'd rather not do that if I don't have to - especially as it would mean,
> I think, giving the menu a fixed width, which I'm not keen on doing as it
> might mess up the display on mobile devices.
> What I think I'd prefer to do is to put a full-width background the same
> width as the #wrapper div and the same height as the menu, and the same
> colour as the footer background, behind the menu.  As yet, though, I've
> failed to find a way to do that.
> I imagine that the problem is because the menu is floated and so any block
> element I put around it has no height, but I've no idea what to do to get
> around this.  Giving a surrounding div a height does not seem an option
> since it would have to correspond to something like 20px plus the height of
> the box containing the menu item text and I'm not sure how to do that - or
> if it would even work.
> Thanks in advance

> Peter


One way to do that is to put the nav after the footer in the markup.
And then absolute position the nav into a block [article] of padding.
Once you get to the media queries, the amount of padding needed can be
tweaked-- less needed at desktop, and more needed at mobile.

A fast and dirty example without media queries: http://ccstudi.com/school.html

David Laakso

Chelsea Creek Studio
desktop | laptop | tablet | mobile
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