On Nov 4, 2014, at 3:47 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh <e...@l-c-n.com> wrote:

> You have this in your stylesheet for your submenus:
> #main_nav ul li ul { ;
> /* snip */
> /* visibility:hidden; */
> display:hidden; /* <-------- what is this ? */
> opacity:0;
> }
> The submenu is invisible due to the opacity being set to `0` but fully 
> present… This expands the hover area of the parent <li>. I guess you want to 
> say 'display: none', but I’m not in your head and won’t venture that far…

Philippe; your suggestion fixed the issue, and I thank you…I do not see the 
relationship between the nav ul li ul display and the “sensitive area” of ul 
li:hover ul   < isn’t the hover applied to the top-level items in the ul? 

Maybe the issue is that I am accustomed to seeing the hover area limited to the 
item having :hover applied to it (plus whatever padding) but this situation was 
the entire child ul behaving as though IT had :hover applied to it.

I hope I’m making some sense of my confusion here…channeling Yogi Berra..

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