On Sat Dec 20 2014 at 4:49:08 PM Crest Christopher <
crestchristop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'd like to know what is wrong, that this
> <http://www.thecreativesheep.ca/wdp/wip/cs_regular_tutorial_WIP.htm>
> page, doesn't look the same in IE 7 / 8 so I can be on the correct path
> to fix it ?
At a glance, I'd suggest the culprit is your Media Queries. You are using
mobile first (min-width) MQs. Since MQs are not supported by IE7&8 none of
the styles within them are being read.  If you need to support these
browsers, you'll have to either switch to max-width queries, or include
those styles (with no media queries) in conditional comments as well.

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