There is a bit of a conundrum. When I view the page using Chromes device emulation tools, specifically the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7,8.9,10.1. The page looks fine in landscape, horrible in portrait, viewing the page on my Lumia 1520 the page looks fine in portrait, horrible in landscape. Reversing the MQ has the possibility of reversing this problem, as it appears it's the only problem I face with the page, with regards to styling.


David Laakso <>
Monday, February 16, 2015 8:25 AM

Good point. And that point is probably when the primary content is of
sufficient contrast and at least at user default,so as to be readable
and legible by children of all ages in phone portrait mode.
David Laakso

Philip Taylor <>
Monday, February 16, 2015 7:26 AM

David Laakso wrote:

The specs for the screen size of the three phones you listed are:
1/ iPhone/4 3.5 inches corner-to-corner
2/ iPhone/5 4 inches corner-to-corner
3/ Nokia Lumina 1520 6 inches corner-to-corner

Try revising your mq break-point to accommodate the wider Nokia Lumina screen?

I cannot help but feel that the current need, apparently experienced by many, to attempt to cope with an exponentially increasing number of smart'phone and tablet variants by writing ever-more-complex media queries, is essentially analogous to the need to flagellate oneself with nettles, brambles and similar as experienced by mystics and others in previous centuries. The pleasure to be experienced when you finally have the sense to stop will surely far outweigh the anguish and pain that you are currently experiencing ...

Philip Taylor
David Laakso <>
Monday, February 16, 2015 7:12 AM
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:18 AM, Crest Christopher

The specs for the screen size of the three phones you listed are:
1/ iPhone/4 3.5 inches corner-to-corner
2/ iPhone/5 4 inches corner-to-corner
3/ Nokia Lumina 1520 6 inches corner-to-corner
Try revising your mq break-point to accommodate the wider Nokia Lumina screen?
David Laakso
Crest Christopher <>
Monday, February 16, 2015 12:18 AM
I've run into an odd problem with a MQ between two different phones that have the same width when in landscape mode which is 480px. Those two phones are iPhone 4 and my Lumia 1520, the page I'm working on looks, for the most part, fine, when viewed on a iPhone 5, when I preview on my Lumia, the page breaks and I don't understand why ?

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