On Mar 11, 2016, at 10:19 AM, Mi B <digital.disc...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> mars 11 2016 01:16 Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com>:
>> http://designdrumm.com <http://designdrumm.com/>
> Much better, but the animation can be toned down even more. It should tempt 
> the visitor, not turn them away. Because of other animations in other sites, 
> tolerances for unrequested animations that make you aware of that it is an 
> animation are very low. Go for more subliminal and natural ones where the 
> movement conveys meaning relevant to the visitor. Just my view on this.
> This is all CSS animation? (Didn’t look)

Well that is better than it being worse.. :)

The animation is via jQuery/TweenLite and it is only on the logo, drums, intro 
splash and fading of the page. 
The scrolling is via scrollLeft and scrollTop with javascript/jquery. Pretty 
natural movements for a presentation.
Which is what my site really is under the hood. A slide presentation in html. :)

I want the main areas to slide in and out, it's just proven to be too difficult 
to get it to do such without the previews speeding by.
Well, too difficult to implement right now. I need the site up to look for 
work. Old site was not cutting the cake.

Thank you for your response!


Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm
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