> I'm suspecting malformed svgs at the moment. Let me see if I can beat
> them about the head and neck a bit first. I'll post with results... or
> more problems.
> Thanks for your time. I'll let you know.

So problematic images seems to have been my issue. The svgs started
out of Sketch, which we knew had export issues, but it appears it
creates svgs with some issues. The process I used was:

1. Export art from Sketch
2. Open in Illustrator and simplify the art and layers as much as
possible. I removed compound paths that were there from the Sketch
export, simplified the art and then - with the correct stacking of
layers - used pathfinder to "Remove Front" which creates a compound
path again.
3. Save-As from Illustrator as an svg (I know) with settings checked
(Unchecked "Responsive")
4. Ran the resulting svg through SVGOMG and saved as a new name (for
safety sake)
5. updated css to use new named file
6. Praised the Devine svg gods for showing me mercy at this hour

Tested successful in IE 9, 10 (Win 7 and 8), 11 and Edge.

Wow. That was a fight.

Thanks for looking at this if you did. Appreciate it.


Tom Livingston | Senior Front End Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | medialogic.com

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