Sorry, the following announcement should have been posted
24 hours later.  So please wait a day before going to look
for this new package on your local CTAN mirror.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

  from the CTAN team

On Tuesday 26 September 2017 at 21:03:16 +0200  Petra Ruebe-Pugliese 
<> wrote:
> In-Sung Cho submitted the
>                 istgame
> package.
> Version:  1.0  2017-09-04
> License:  lppl1.3c
> Summary description:  Drawing Game Trees with TikZ
> Announcement text:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  The package istgame provides latex macros, based on TikZ, to draw
>  extensive game trees.
>  A whole game tree can be completed by connecting a simple tree structure,
>  like drawing a game tree with a pencil on paper.
>  If you have used the tikzpicture environment you can easily use this package.
>  Features: you can control
>   ‐ node types, branch styles
>   ‐ information set style
>   ‐ positions for owner, payoffs, action labels
>   ‐ continuum of branches
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at
> The package’s files themselves can be inspected at
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>    Thanks for the upload.
>      For the CTAN Team
>     Petra Rübe-Pugliese
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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