Michal Hoftich submitted an update to the



Version number: 0.4 2020-03-25
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: BibLaTeX style for ISO 690 standard

Announcement text:

Lot of fixes and changes:

- Fixed deprecated name handling
- Declared mapping suffix (<lang>-iso.lbx) for localization files
- Updated and improved documentation, README, and bib examples
- Delimiters defined by the new way
- Refined date and names macros
- Added date circa 
- Added dateaddon field 
- Commented source code to understand it for others better
- Employed standard \mkbibacro for DOI, ISBN, ISSN, ISAN, ISMN, ISRN, ISWC 
(small caps
  instead of uppercase)
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: replaced classification with number field for patent 
- Added localization strings director, bydirector, inventor, byinventor, 
online, film
- Added Bulgarian and French localization
- Increased maximum number of names to print to 99 (9 before)
- Removed biblatex backwards compatibility code
- Fixed printing url and urldate for @online entries
- Fixed multiple ISBNs / ISSNs
- Allowed the package option abbreviate=[true|false] to work for all bibstrings
- Added \parencite support for iso-numeric style 
- Added articlepubinfo package option 
- Logging only to .log file (no terminal output)
- Added support for report and movie entry types
- Added support of localization strings in howpublished field 
- Fixed typos, code improvements

This package is located at 

More information is at

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   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Ina Dau

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