Qu Yi submitted an update to the



Version number: 1.636
License type: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books

Announcement text:

- commands \defupfntmark and \defdownfntmark that define the formatting of
footnote text and content markup.
- Added output arrangement option ‘bilist’ for bilingual title lists in the
document main directory.
- A new genre option ‘theorem’ is added to provide support for theorem
- Added code option ‘tocbelow’ to execute below table of contents entries.
- The \tableofcontents command adds the output scheme option ‘plan’, and no
longer uses the ‘+’ parameter to output the English directory.
- Added English main document directory hook option ‘bibetween’.

- Directories use the title level option ‘level’ to set the title command, and
use the asterisk parameter to not output the title.

- Deprecated the theorem environment definition command \deftheorem due to some
unresolvable problems with the command.
- The document class removes the preset theorem environment and replaces it with
a user-defined environment.
- Considering the lack of functionality and practicality, the abstract
environment ‘outline’ and exercise ‘environment’ are deprecated.


This package is located at

More information is at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Manfred Lotz

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