Andy Buckley writes, through the medium of

> Name of contribution: hepnames
> Author's name: Andy Buckley
> Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/hepnames
> Summary description: A pair of packages providing a set of
>                      pre-defined high energy particle names 
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> hepnames is a pair of LaTeX packages, heppennames and hepnicenames,
> providing a large set of pre-defined high energy physics particle
> names built with the hepparticles package. 
> heppennames re-implements the particle names in pennames.sty, with
> some additions and alterations and greater flexibility and
> robustness due to the hepparticles structures, which were written
> for this purpose. 
> hepnicenames provides the main non-resonant particle names from
> heppennames with more "friendly" names. 
> These packages are based around pennames.sty by Michel Goosens and
> Eric van Herwijnen

i've installed the bundle as suggested; thanks for the upload.

Robin Fairbairns

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