On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, Markus Kohm submitted a new release of the



Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/koma-script
Summary description: KOMA-Script is a versatil LaTeX2e bundle
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 

KOMA-Script is a versatile bundle of LaTeX2e document 
classes and packages.  It aims to be a replacement to the 
standard LaTeX2e classes.  KOMA-Script does not stop with 
the features known from the standard classes, but it 
extends the possibilities in order to provide the user an 
almost complete working environment.

After 4 years of development the release of the LaTeX 
bundle KOMA-Script 2.95b is available now. KOMA-Script 2.95 
was tested for month and should be as stable as KOMA-Script 
2.9u was. Nevertheless KOMA-Script 2.95 is a new 
implementation of the features of KOMA-Script 2.9u.
Most important changes at KOMA-Script 2.95b:
 - \ifthispageodd fixed. This fix also fixes inner/outer 
   margin bug of captionbeside and addmargin.
 - Line breaks at some messages improved to avoid overfull 
   message lines.
 - Font variable `sectioning' renamed to `disposition'. 
   `sectioning' still may be used as an alias of the new name.
Most important changes at KOMA-Script 2.95a:
 - addmargin does not longer damage list depth
 - switching off option tocleft or listleft does not longer 
   result in an error
 - vertical alignment of \caption fixed
Most important changes at KOMA-Script 2.95:
 - new source base
 - bugfix at scrlttr2: foldmarks does not depend on type 
 - bugfix at scrbook: option oneside activates \raggedbottom
 - english manual (scrguien): describes same features like 
   german manual
 - manuals: optimized to be used on screen (either portrait 
   screen or on 19" landscape screens together with an editor 
 - manuals: html index of all commands, options, 
   environments etc. available (see scrguide.html or 
 - Simple installation by unpacking koma-script-texmf.zip at 
   any TEXMF root directory (see INSTALLD.txt or INSTALL.txt). 
   NOTE: This feature depends on the distribution. 
   Distributions made by the author (see 
   have this feature.
 - license: LPPL 1.3b (see lppl-de.txt or lppl.txt)


Thanks for the upload.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf

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