the daemon wrote, yesterday:

> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: keyreader
> Author's name: Ahmed Musa
> Author's email:
> Package version: 0.4
> Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/keyreader/
> Summary description: A robust interface to the xkeyval package.
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Some of the features of the package have been moved to the ltxkeys
> package, where more robustness can be found. But the keyreader package
> continues to be used by some TeXnicians, long after I abandoned it. I
> don't know how TeXLive kept it on long after it disappeared from
> CTAN. Now it is officially back anew. 
> 2. I used it as a testing platform for the ltxkeys package because the
> xkeyval package, for all its shortcomings, has been stable and widely
> used for years. Even now I send the keyreader package to users of
> ltxkeys package to benchmark problems with the ltxkeys package. So it
> is right that it returns to CTAN.
> 3. New interfaces for defining and setting keys have been introduced.
> 4. The alternate/admissible values of choice keys can now have
> individual callbacks. Incidentally, the implementation of this feature
> in the keyreader package is more optimized than that of the ltxkeys
> package. In the future there will be a need to return to the ltxkeys
> package on this matter.
> 5. The selective sanitization procedure of the xkeyval package has
> been replaced by the new list normalization scheme of the keyreader
> package. The relevant macros of the xkeyval package have been hacked.
> 6. For some users of xkeyval's \define@key command, the fact that a
> space between the key name and its callback/function can cause
> problems in key definition has been annoying. But this isn't the fault
> of the xkeyval package. Well, the keyreader package has addressed this
> concern: the space causes no more headache.
> 7. Still, as in the xkeyval package, it isn't possible to pass
> unbalanced conditionals as key values in the keyreader
> package. ltxkeys to the rescue.

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
> or they may browse the package directory at

The catalogue entry (at the address above) will change (somewhat)
overnight tonight.  (For some reason it remained when the previous
package was removed from the archive -- at other sites, the web entry
will no doubt reappear overnight.)

Robin Fairbairns

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