quoth the daemon:

> The following information was provided by the package's contributor.
> Name of contribution: tex-gyre-math
> Submitter's name: Staszek Wawrykiewicz
> Package version: 1.008
> Location on CTAN: fonts/tex-gyre-math/
> Summary description: TeX Gyre Pagella Math is a math companion for the
>                      TeX Gyre Pagella family
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> An update of TeX Gyre Pagella Math - a math companion for the TeX Gyre
> Pagella family of fonts (see
> http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre/) in the OpenType
> format.

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.tex.ac.uk/ctan/help/Catalogue/entries/tex-gyre-math.html
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://www.tex.ac.uk/ctan/fonts/tex-gyre-math/

The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) on the web, by tomorrow
morning (Cambridge time).

Robin Fairbairns

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