Lauro César Araujo submitted an update to the



Version number: 1.9
License type: lppl

Summary description: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian
                     documents based on ABNT rules

Announcement text:

 . added customizations of table of contents in compliance to
   ABNT NBR 6027:2012 (class option sumario=abnt-6027-2012 and

 . added macro \phantompart that helps control TOC and bookmark  

 . added microtype package to examples and documentation files

 . added a fifth level on text structure (use \paragraph as a

 . added new example of bibliography reference in abntex2cite
   (key hamada2008)

 . added new Makefile for Linux/POSIX based systems that might
   be used in order to install or update abnTeX2 apart of
   TeXLive/CTAN packages from the distribution: you might just
   download and install the last version of abnTeX2 

 . fixed url link for "https" addresses on .bst files

 . fixed scape of caracter "&" in urls on .bst files

 . fixed the layout of url if the option-package-url = url is
   used with the abntex2cite.sty. Without this insert the url
   was displayed without delimiters '<' and '>'

 . fixed title printed with \imprimirtitle in title pages
   (\imprimircapa, folhaderostocontent and
   abntex2-modelo-trabalho-academico's folhadeaprovacao)  

 . fixed language of the date command (\imprimirdata)

 . fixed space between label and name separator ("--") greater
   than 9th item of listings 

 . suppressed "before chapter skip" on items of listings 

 . removed useless cmap package from examples


This package is located at

More information is at
   (The CTAN team apologizes for a great number of stale links
   on this page.  They are due to a known, but hitherto unresolved
   bug in the software that generates the web pages from the
   Catalogue sources and out of the control of the CTAN
   maintainers. The "good" links are to be found in the lower
   half of the list of the documentation files.)

We are supported by the TeX Users Group .  
Please join a users group; see .

   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese

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