> Name of contribution: tudscr
> Author's name: Falk Hanisch
> Package version: v2.01
> Location on CTAN: tudscr/
> Summary description: The TUD-KOMA-Script-bundle provides classes and
>                      packages, whose aim is to typeset LaTeX documents
>                      in the Corporate Design of the Technische
>                      Universität Dresden.
> License type: lppl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> TUD-KOMA-Script 2014/04/24 v2.01
> Copyright (c) Falk Hanisch <tudscr[at]gmail.com>, 2012-2014
> This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
> lppl.txt (english) or lppl-de.txt (german) for the details of that
> license.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> The TUD-KOMA-Script-bundle provides classes and packages, whose
> aimis to typeset LaTeX documents in the Corporate Design of the
> Technische Universität Dresden. It bases on the KOMA-Script
> document classes. The fonts Univers and DIN-Bold are necessary.
> They are available on request for staff and students of the
> Technische Universität Dresden.
> (https://tu-dresden.de/service/publizieren/cd/4_latex)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> To install the fonts, please refer to the forum:
> http://latex.wcms-file3.tu-dresden.de/phpBB3/index.php
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Classes and Packages:
> The bundle offers:
> – the three document classes tudscrartcl, tudscrreprt, tudscrbook
>   as a drop-in replacement of scrartcl, scrreprt and scrbook
> – the package 'tudscrsupervisor' providing environments and macros 
>   to create tasks, evaluations and notices for scientific theses
> - the package 'mathswap' for swapping math delimiters within
>   numbers (like ionumbers)
> – the package 'twocolfix' for fixing the position of headings in
>   twocolumn layout
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Announcement required: Yes

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tudscr
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/tudscr/

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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