Notice of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the


TUESDAY March 18, 2008, 10:00 a.m.

Temple Public Library, 100 West Adams

Temple, TX 76501

Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Board of Directors on
March 18, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. at the

Temple Public Library located at 100 West Adams Street in Temple. The public
is invited to attend the

meeting which starts at 10 a.m. and will conclude after all business has
been conducted. The items below

are for discussion and/or action:

10:00 a.m.

I. Call to Order of the Board of Directors of CTLS, Inc. - Peggy Gibson,
Chair of CTLS, Inc.

II. Minutes and correspondence - Lyle Thormann, CTLS Secretary

Minutes of the February 22nd Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Session of February 22nd

III. Treasurer's Report- Eileen Altmiller- CTLS, Treasurer

IV. Executive Director's Report - Pat Tuohy - CTLS Executive Director

V. Old Business

VI. New Business

VII. Board Concerns and Issues

1:00 p.m. Adjournment

Meeting Protocol in effect for this meeting

>From the Board of Directors Meeting Protocol Policy, adopted March 20, 2007:

VII. Participants in on-site and telephone conference call Board meetings
shall observe the following rules:

1. Participation in Board meetings is limited to the Board of Directors of
CTLS and to individuals who

have signed up to speak on specific issues on the agenda.

2. Board members are the official participants in the meeting and as such
will engage in discussion

following the rules of order as enforced by the Board Chair.

3. Staff members may comment when requested to do so by the Chair. They may
inject comments with

the permission of the Chair in order to clarify a point or to convey
necessary information during the


4. The Chair will call on individuals who wish to address the Board on
either specific agenda items or

other concerns immediately following the call to order.

5. The Chair will determine equitable time limits for the speakers.

6. Members of the public are not official participants and considered out of
order if they make

comments at random during the meeting.

7. The Board may choose to have a regular item or period of public comment
at a board meeting. This

will be clearly indicated on the posted meeting agenda.

8. An individual may not address the Board a second time on the same issue
unless all others who wish

to comment have done so, and only with the consent of the Board chair


Laurie Mahaffey, Deputy Director

Central Texas Library System, Inc.

1005 West 41st Street

Austin, Texas 78756


512-583-0704 x18

800-252-4431 x18



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