Greetings Central Texas libraryfolk!

Please mark Friday, May 2, 2008 as the date for a Stepping Up brown bag talk on mentoring. Dr. Janine Golden of Texas Woman's University will speak from 11:30 to 12:30.

This event marks the second in a series of lectures sponsored by Dr. Lynn Westbrook and the eight partner libraries of Stepping Up: Library Leaders for the 21st Century < >.

The lecture is open to the entire Central Texas library community, so spread the word among your fellow librarians, paraprofessionals, and lay folks. Plan to join us in Sanchez < > 468 at 11:30 with your lunch, and plan to stay after Dr. Golden's talk to mingle and ask questions, if you like.

Thank you,

Don Hamerly
Stepping Up: Library Leaders for the 21st Century

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