df> Flyer
 <> Register now  for this amazing
opportunity to see Judith Black, storyteller extraordinaire in Austin on
June 20, 2008 from 10:00am to noon. History books tell us the who, what,
where and when of an event.  What they almost never include are the 'why'
details that make a piece of history into a story.   In this workshop you
will learn how to take  historic episodes and make them into vital stories
for children and adults alike.  Judith Black is a professional storyteller
with a national following.  She was featured this year at the National
Storytelling Festival, and has taught at hundreds of educational
residencies, museums, libraries and schools. This workshop is for library
and  museum staff/ volunteers, educators and storytellers of all ages. 
Cost: Free for all public library staff and volunteers. All others, $20,
We apologize for any cross-posting. 
 Kam McEvoy
Electronic Resources Specialist
Central Texas Library System, Inc.
1005 West 41st St., Suite 100
Austin, TX 78756
512-583-0704 x19
800-262-4431 x19
fax: 512-583-0709

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