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Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http:
     A. The Sage Story
     B. The Air Force and the (Mysterious) Montauk Base
     C.  Strange Goings Ons
     D. No Record Of Air Force Radar Personnel From Montauk
     E. More Weird Tales Of Montauk AFS
     F. Who's Running The Show > Belief Systems--Illusion of Choice
     G. The Fundamentals Of Control
#2 The Harrold House Haunting  By: Troy Taylor © 1998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.prairieghosts.com/harrold.html
#3. 10 Great Places For Monstrous Encounters   By Jayne Clark/USA Today
    The Nation's  Homepage
#4. The Miracle Of St Gennaro   By; Karal Ayn Barnett © 1998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.jinglesweb.com/karal

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A.Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
next upcomings issues! Series 3 of 10



I think there is a good chance that most or all of the SAGE radar sites
deliberately chosen to coincide with geomagnetic hot spots, earth grid
power points, or something along these lines, and that (most) SAGE sites
have had a connection to mind control all along; in other words I
consider it possible that the SAGE system had at least a twofold agenda
going since its inception or soon after. Nearly all military
installations have been constructed on earth grid power points; in
Part 1 of 2
Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http:
     A. The Sage Story
     B. The Air Force and the (Mysterious) Montauk Base
     C.  Strange Goings Ons
     D. No Record Of Air Force Radar Personnel From Montauk
     E. More Weird Tales Of Montauk AFS
     F. Who's Running The Show > Belief Systems--Illusion of Choice
     G. The Fundamentals Of Control
#2 The Harrold House Haunting  By: Troy Taylor © 1998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.prairieghosts.com/harrold.html
#3. 10 Great Places For Monstrous Encounters   By Jayne Clark/USA Today
    The Nation's  Homepage
#4. The Miracle Of St Gennaro   By; Karal Ayn Barnett © 1998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.jinglesweb.com/karal

Copyright © 1998   John A. Quinn/NewsHawk Inc  [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.

All rights reserved

All text within this document not quoted from other sources is the sole
property of John A.Quinn/Newshawk Inc. No reproduction without
permission. WOTS was granted permission in using this article.

Due to the length of this artcile it will be a featured article in the
next upcomings issues! Series 3 of 10



I think there is a good chance that most or all of the SAGE radar sites
deliberately chosen to coincide with geomagnetic hot spots, earth grid
power points, or something along these lines, and that (most) SAGE sites
have had a connection to mind control all along; in other words I
consider it possible that the SAGE system had at least a twofold agenda
going since its inception or soon after. Nearly all military
installations have been constructed on earth grid power points; in
particular those constructed in this century.

It wouldn't surprise me if some of the other SAGE radar sites are used
in Montauk-type operations as well. At a SAGE location Germany it was
observed that many of the people in the adjacent town seemed to be
"under the influence" of EM/RF mind manipulating transmissions; San
Francisco area researcher and author Ken Wells, Jr. informed me that
there is a SAGE radar site close to San Francisco. (All SAGE radar dish
sites were constructed with at least four levels of underground directly
underneath the supporting tower structure itself.)

When the Phoenix operation pulled in to Montauk Air Force Station, they
exactly strangers to the Air Force there, and in fact base personnel
related to the new arrivals data on how the SAGE transmissions caused
some very definite effects on people at the base, which varied depending
on the particular frequencies being transmitted by the SAGE dish.


Important information about the Montauk base as well as some
intriguing anecdotes come my way from a former Air Force radar
technician/engineer named Bob Tidwell.

Bob was briefly stationed at Stewart AFB, an installation otherwise
noteworthy for the fact that it has without doubt figured significantly
somehow or other into the (lower) Hudson Valley UFO phenomenon. Many
black NSA choppers seen at or near the sightings of the giant boomerang
(and other craft) were traced to Stewart by investigators during the
course of this years-long series of UFO sightings--unsurprisingly, long
after Stewart's "official" closure.

Tidwell has some pertinent technical information regarding SAGE and
other radar
systems. He also notes that it was highly unusual for a SAGE site to
situated so close the shoreline--virtually all other sites he knows of
are much further inland. He specifies a few other instances of
incongruities and anomalies regarding the equipment used at Montauk AFS.

Additionally, Tidwell's information shows how Stewart was used as a
staging area for operations at the Montauk base, and probably as a paper
trail cover for Montauk as well.

The following material is from a number of emails sent to me by Mr.

"These special sites were referred to as SAGE sites, which is very
misleading. SAGE (Semi-Automated Ground Environment) actually refers to
the manner in which radar and communications information was
automatically routed from all radar sites to a central Control & Command
center. Most locations also had an associated "ground radio" site that
would allow C&C to communicate with whatever intercept aircraft were
currently in that particular area. This specialized system involved the
setup of multiple communications paths and new protocols to insure that
all of this information would reach C&C. This new technology would later
evolve into today's World Wide Web. I don't know why theses sites
themselves were referred to as SAGE, unless it was a ploy to draw
attention away from the manner in which our radar sites communicated
with C&C.

"The Air Defense Command constructed most of these sites in the 1950s,
but most were decommissioned in 1969 and 70, because of the new airborne
radar aircraft, which overcame the curvature problem without having to
use the lower frequencies. Some sites that were in sensitive areas
remained open as late as 1980.


"I can positively say that this site (Montauk Air Force Station) was in
operation, in some manner, as late as 1972. This was verified to me by a
personal friend a few years ago. He was serving submarine duty in the
area, and was leaving for extended sea duty within a few days. He and
several shipmates were on shore leave on Long Island, and were looking
for a beach area to have one last beer party before shipping out. One of
the guys suggested the old Montauk Base, as it was deserted, and they
could get drunk and spend the night on the beach
without getting into trouble.

"They were able to enter the base area ok, the main gate was open and in
disrepair, so they started looking for a good place to party. When they
came to the location of the radar site they discovered a shiny new
security fence, and were immediately surrounded by armed security police
. They were then escorted off base and told never to come back (emphasis

"It has been suggested to me by several persons during my investigations
Stewart AFB was acting as a staging and transfer center for Montauk.
Steward certainly had connections to the electronics and radar schools
at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi. I myself was given orders to the
1st Air Force at Stewart. When I questioned my orders, I was told that
Stewart was indeed my correct destination, and to consider my orders
secret, even though this was never officially stated on paper. I've been
told that certain personnel were being brought into Montauk through
Stewart, in order to eliminate a paper trail leading back to Montauk.
(emphasis added)."

This last comment is very interesting to me because I have heard the
same kind of thing from other sources and this practice may in fact be
continuing presently. In fact in 1996, while combining a visit to my
family in East Hampton [Montauk is in E. H. Township] with my ongoing
investigation into the project, I overheard at a supermarket some
comments made by the two guys in front of me (one in particular was
especially talkative--almost in a nervous fashion) to the checkout girl.

This fellow was saying that he and his companion had just arrived in the
area, and in fact had orders to report to Montauk! (obviously there is
no overt military facility ON THE MAP anywhere in this area these days).
His decidedly more taciturn buddy grunted in a discouraging way--like,
"shut up dude," but blabbermouth kept on obliviously, to the effect that
they had come in "through New Jersey" (as if to provide some paper trail
cover) in order to be stationed at Montauk. After they left I inquired
of the young lady about their comments, adding, "what branch of the
military has an active installation at Montauk?" She replied animatedly,
"yeah! That's just what I was wondering!"

If I had to hazard a guess as to which branch of the military these guys
were in, I
would say Navy. I definitely didn't seem to get an "Air Force" vibe.
Also as they were both pretty chunky I would think they were probably
officers of one degree or another!

Tidwell continues: "I remember the trip up there, and the trip back, but
the few days that I was there are only a blurred memory. I remember
showing my orders to the guard at the main gate, and being directed to a
location that was away from everything else. There was a small one-story
barracks-like building that had been converted into office space.

"I went in and presented my orders. There were only three people in this
building; a female secretary, a First Sergeant, and a Captain. I
remember then being told to go outside and police the area (pick up
cigarette butts) while they checked my orders. Looking back now, this
memory seems very absurd, having a new person walking around, picking up
trash in a dress blue uniform.

"After what seemed like an hour, I was called back in and told to go
into the Captain's office. He informed me that my orders were a mistake,
and that I would be reassigned to another location. He had my new orders
on his desk, already typed out, except for the new location. The nearest
location would have been Buffalo, but the Captain simply asked me where
I wanted to go. (This is unheard of in the military) In a daze I said
"back to Alabama." He then took my orders out to the secretary, and
returned a few minutes later with the Alabama location typed in. He
never called or checked with anyone to ok this, and I never checked in
with the base personnel office, which is standard practice. They seem
pleased to get me out of the area.

"One of the things that seemed to trouble them was that I had gotten
married a few months earlier, and had brought my wife with me. I vaguely
remember being there about one to two weeks, and had even rented a place
to live. I also have vague memories of shopping on the base, although I
don't remember anything else about the base. Also, why would I be there
that long if I had gone in and was told that I wasn't supposed to be

"So, I loaded up my car and drove back to Alabama. I spent the next year
at the
Dauphin Island radar site (I found out later that this was one of the
most sought after assignments), until it closed.

"We were again asked to fill out the dream sheets for reassignment.
After the site closed, the personnel began leaving for their new
assignments. After a while the base commander called me into his office
and wanted to know why I was still there, and hadn't left yet. I
informed him that I hadn't received my new orders yet. They started
checking, and appeared to be experiencing some confusion. At one point I
was asked if I had been getting my paychecks ok.

"The next day I was called into the commander's office, and laying on
his desk were my new orders, with the new assignment location blank. I
was again asked "where do you want to go?" The nearest location that was
still active was North Charleston S.C., so I requested that. He took the
orders out to his secretary and returned a few minutes later with that
location filled in. Back then I didn't question any of this strangeness,
I just told myself that I was being extremely lucky.

"I spent my remaining two years at North Charleston. While going through
my out-processing physical, several doctors were very interested in my
knees. They asked several times if I was having any trouble with them.
This seemed strange to me, as I have never had any trouble with my knees
in my life. I was them asked who had performed the reconstruction work
on both of my knees, as they were amazed at how precise it had been done
. I told them that they were mistaken, and that nothing had ever been
done to my knees. This seemed to really trouble them. Later, when I got
home, I examined my knees and discovered traces of faint surgery marks
on both knees. The marks are still visible today.

"After going back to civilian life, I occasionally would have a
recurring dream. In this dream I was told that I would have to go back
into the Air Force and work for an additional two years. I thought that
this dream might have a connection with being on inactive duty status
for two years before I would receive my permanent discharge, but the
dreams continued on for about 20 years. They were very vivid, and were
always connected in some way. I would be stationed at a strange radar
site, and worked on equipment that I was not familiar with. The site was
located on what appeared to be a section of a larger base, although I
couldn't quite picture the base. It was also located near water. In the
dreams I would do normal everyday things (besides work at the radar site
), like shop in stores and ride around in my car. It was as if I were
reliving another life in my dreams.

"Then, sometime in the early 90s I noticed a book titled Montauk -
Experiments in Time. The name drew my attention, so I picked up the book
and started thumbing through it. My blood then seemed to turn into ice
water, for here was the location that I had been dreaming about. All of
the photos and illustrations had been in my dreams, even the ones that
supposedly pertained to time travel.

"I know that there wasn't enough time for me to have been stationed
there, as I was only in New York for a few days, although several people
that have helped me with this (Marc Davenport and Dr. Fred Allen Wolf),
insist that some form of time travel could have been involved.)

"A few vague memories that have come back to me my time at Stewart are;
being taken to a Holiday Inn(?), to a room on the second floor, and
being strapped into a chair and drugged. There is also a memory of being
put on an aircraft and taken to another location. This reminds me of
your mention of psychotronic devices, maybe used for mind control.
Another point that has surfaced in the last month concerns the time that
I was stationed at Dauphin Island. I wrote an article for my newsletter
about UFO radar reports, and used my knowledge of working on equipment
at North Charleston. After completing the article, I realized that I
didn't refer back to my experience at Dauphin Island. I then realized
that I didn't remember exactly what it was that I had worked on there. I
do remember everything else there, except what I was supposed to
actually be working on, and probably would not have realized this had I
not have decided to write the article.

"As a quick note, during my investigation into sites and bases here in
Alabama, I
discovered that Maxwell AFB, at Montgomery, was the original NORAD
Command & Control Center. I have several eye witnesses to the fact that
Maxwell has several underground levels. My investigation into this goes
as far as to even show what happened to the dirt that was removed. It is
still being used for research and development projects, among other
things, and one of my information sources stated that the basic research
for the HAARP project was conducted at Maxwell. I haven't been able to
confirm this, but thought that it might fit into your research."
            --_ Bob Tidwell

Tidwell recollected an incident which happened to a friend of his in the
Air Force
around 1980. This fellow had just reported to a base in Maine, and the
next thing he knew he was waking up in Navy hospital in Boston. He was
told that he had fallen and hit his head badly. He had no recollection
of any such event or what happened in between that and waking up in the
Navy hospital. As fortune would have it he was befriended in the
hospital buy a nurse, and when he was released he was given some time
off from active duty to continue recuperating. The
nurse invited him to spend a few days with her at her parents' house on
Long Island. Major and continual feelings of deja vu washed over this
fellow after he arrived on Long Island, coupled with some very strange
feelings about things that he felt may have happened to him during the
time he was supposedly "unconscious" after his "accident". As Tidwell
put it, "He then told me about having dreams of being stationed at an
unusual site that he felt was located at Montauk Point. In his dreams he
felt as if he were an officer, because everyone would salute him. He
also said that the site was a joint Air Force-Navy project of some sort.

This person became progressively more curious about what might be going
on and subsequently became aware of the Montauk Project operation, which
he was sure he had somehow been involved in. As Tidwell noted, the man
believed, based on what he found out about the Montauk Project, that it
was an operation involving both the Air Force and the Navy (as HAARP was
originally). Not many people know this and I don't believe it was
mentioned specifically in Nichols' books.

Tidwell also relays how his friend has to have a yearly checkup as a
requirement for his disability classification. Bob writes, "Every time
he undergoes his physical, he is questioned as to his medical records.
It seems that he has two identical files with his correct name and
social security number on each file. The other file incorrectly
identifies him as a Marine Corps Captain. (He was put into a Naval
Hospital after his injury, not an Air Force Hospital)".


Bob Tidwell keeps fairly close contacts with other Air Force radar techs
, and they are somewhat a specialized breed. He confided to me that
although there is absolutely no doubt that Montauk AFS exists (or
existed), that it was a radar station for the Air Force and that
obviously it was staffed, neither he nor any of the numerous radar techs
he has contact with know of or ever heard of anyone who was ever
stationed at Montauk.

Here's what Bob had to say.

"Radar Techs tend to stay in touch with each other, even after all these
years. I
contacted some of them and requested the names of anyone that was
stationed at Montauk AFS, and at a site that I'm looking into here in
Alabama that may have been similar. What we discovered was that none of
us has ever heard of anyone that was ever stationed at Montauk, before
or after 1969. This is very odd, in that we are usually able to track
down people from sites all over the world. There are major web sites
devoted to us radar techs, but nobody can remember ever hearing of
anyone that admits to being stationed at Montauk. We put out feelers
everywhere and came up completely blank. The radar site was there, no
question about that, but the people that were stationed there are like
ghosts. The same is true for several other sites that I am looking into.

"We did find out that when Montauk closed in 1969, and was reopened
through TAC, that this was most unusual, and also suggests to us that
the site was being used as a cover for something else. I did find out
though that Montauk's military connections after 1969 were being made
through Hancock Field in New York. Hopefully this can be of use to you."
            --_ Bob Tidwell


Information which strongly suggests that some most unusual things were
going on at Montauk Air Force Station in the late 1950s and early 1960s
comes from a fellow who's father was an Air Force Colonel and assistant
base commander at Mitchell Air Force Base in central Long Island.
Periodically, personnel from Montauk AFS would come to Mitchell for R&R.
These fellows caused considerable consternation and distress to
personnel at Mitchell due to the peculiar, bizarre, dissociative and
generally loony behavior exhibited by just about all of them. Among
other oddities, a number of the men became totally lost and disoriented,
though they had not gone very far at all from the central base area. The
group from Montauk was monitored closely and constantly by their
commander. Something seemed seriously out of whack with the entire group
and the Mitchell commander was asked by other Mitchell personnel to have
the Montauk group leave before their R&R tour was over. This was in the
very early 1960s, and the number of these kinds of occurrences prompted
this colonel to conclude that something was indeed amiss at Montauk AFS,
and to drive out to Montauk a number of times with his son in the
interest of attempting to find out what was going on at the Camp Hero

Even though the phase of the Phoenix Project--now known as the Montauk
Project--had not yet "officially" gotten underway, let's not forget that
Camp Hero has had a reputation of being a "psych" base pretty much
throughout its entire existence, shortly after the land was legally
stolen from its Montauk Indian owners around 1910. In other words it has
always been a center for experimental, psychologically oriented or based
(i.e. intelligence) government projects. Nichols indicated that there
were some indications that even before the Montauk project commenced
there were ties between Brookhaven Labs with it's considerable (ex)-Nazi
scientist aspect, and the Montauk Point base on a major earth grid power
point, with it's connections to the preexisting underground and a
significant, well-established pro-German (Nazi/Aryan) community in the
Montauk area. On top of this, there is some very strong evidence that
Montauk (Camp Hero) was the site of some weirdness with psychedelic
drugs in the mid-60s. As Peter Moon noted, there is almost certainly a
link to Timothy Leary and Richard Albert of Harvard during this period
of time at Montauk Air Force Station. A base building which had a number
of rooms painted in full on psychedelic style circa 1967-68 were found
and videotaped by Preston
Nichols with a video crew at Montauk Air Force Station.

A Mrs. Sneed of Sag Harbor visited Montauk AFS in 1980 and related to me
experience there. She was with a friend and on legitimate business for
her husband, a retired military man. The trip was pursuant to certain
consumer goods and other items being made available to veterans at a
major discount and obtainable at the PX of any nearby military base. Mrs
. Sneed had with her the letters/documents of authorization. Montauk AFS
was the closest base to them so that's where they went. (Let's not
forget however that Montauk Air Force Station was officially
decommissioned and closed 11 years prior to this; of course the reality
was that it was NOT closed and naturally many people in the area knew
this obvious fact).

Strangely (or not!), they were treated with extreme brusqueness,
suspicion and
rudeness, first by guards at the entrance to the base, then by other
base personnel and officers called to the scene by the guards, all of
whom attempted in every possible way to deter the women from entering
the property, despite being shown the official authorization numerous

Mrs. Sneed refused to back down, having made up her mind not to have
undertaken the 50+ mile round trip for nothing; and seeing no good
reason why the desired items should not be made available according to
the terms of the authorizing document she presented.

Finally the women were admitted and escorted directly to the PX with
vehicles directly in front and in back of their car. They were not
allowed to stop or slow down. Although the base itself did seem to be
unusually quiet on the "surface", judging solely by the reception they'd
received there was obviously something rather "important" and secretive
going on there.

Mrs. Sneed stated that there were air vent stacks protruding from the
ground all over the place. She told me she felt very strongly at the
time that substantial underground activity was taking place at the
Montauk base and in fact commented on this to her friend. Mrs. Sneed
stated that though she and her friend couldn't possibly be any threat in
any imaginable way to anything
(legitimate at least) that was going on there, they had people standing
right next to them when they went into the PX, and were escorted right
back to their cars and right off the base. According to Mrs. Sneed,
everyone they encountered was acting very strangely, downright creepy...

        Louise A. Lowry
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